Monday, January 31, 2011

Something Fun and New (SFN)

I read about this great idea over the weekend and decided to implement it this week.  The students get to nominate a word to be added to the list for the weekly spelling test.  Each student nominates one word, then the class votes for their favorite.  The ground rules are...there are no ground rules.  They may suggest any word they desire.  It can be from a TV show, or a favorite toy, or something they read in a book.  The idea is that when students are given power over choice, they take more ownership of their language arts experience and it becomes infinitely more interesting to them.  The only stipulation is, it must be school appropriate.

They looked a little stunned when I explained it to them today.  They weren't used to being in on that kind of power-play decision making.  The deer-in-the-headlights looks told me this was foreign territory and no one wanted to be the first to dip into the water.  So I lead the way by throwing out a wide variety of words.  Words that never (ever) had made their spelling lists before.  Words like Sponge Bob, and Cocoa Puffs.  "Any words???"  They were still so unsure of this daring experiment.  "Any words," I assured them.  I braced myself for Booger, and Poop, and Underwear.  What I got was Eyes, and Mrs. Dahl, and Eight and Joey.  The winner was Joey.  It will be interesting to see how the word choices change as they get more daring and become more comfortable with me.  

I'm guessing some week our bonus word will be Booger.


  1. I have never met a student who hasn't enjoyed the book Aliens Love Underpants, Dinosaurs Love Underpants, or any other book in that little series by Claire Freedman. =) They all make for a good lesson =)

  2. I will have to check into those. Anything that grabs their attention is educational gold!

  3. I'm heading over to Amazon right now...:)

  4. I love your ideas! It a l m o s t makes me want to go back to teaching!

  5. That's really funny you said that. I was just thinking recently about you as a teacher and I can TOTALLY see you as an amazing and very effective educator. Kids would love you 'cuz you're so young and hip!!
