Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Beginning Your Career at the End of Your Life

My name is Vonda.  Today was my very first day as the first grade teacher in a small, rural school on the North Dakota prairie.  I have a grand total of seven students.  I graduated from college just four days ago with a bachelor of science degree in elementary education.  My teaching license was issued the same day.  I was hired by the school in December, contingent of course, on my finishing the required elements for licensing.  It was quite a thrill ride hoping all components would be in place by my starting date.  I cut it just a wee bit too close for comfort, but I made it, and here I am documenting my first day on the job.  I AM the first grade teacher.

Did I mention I'm a 48-year-old mother of four?

What made me decide to begin a career when most people are beginning to think about retiring at my age?  That is a great question....

I have a great answer.

As I document this, my first year of teaching, I will also answer that question in bits of information.  It's not so much that my story is so terribly exciting, but it IS unusual in that I have bucked societal trends in arriving where I am today.  If I had the last 30 years to live over would I make different choices?  The answer is no.  I have no regrets.  
The truth is, I believe with all my heart that I will be a far better teacher BECAUSE of my delay in beginning my career.  I will share my story a little at a time and you can be the judge.

For today just know that I awoke @ 5 AM with a smile on my face and a song in my heart.  My FIRST DAY of teaching!  I drove to school with a prayer of thanksgiving in my heart.  I served quiche and croissants to the staff for their unwavering support and encouragement.  I welcomed a steady stream of student and staff visitors who wanted to see my newly decorated "Magic Tree House" themed room.  I greeted my first graders with joy and we began the process of becoming a cohesive group.  I watched their shining faces as I talked about the fun adventures I have planned for them.  

And I fell in love with seven precious first graders who are already threading their way into the fabric of my life and heart.

I can hardly wait for tomorrow.....

Share this journey with me and the ups and downs that will be a part of this adventure I have embarked on.


  1. These blogs are a great idea. I started one of my own about a year a go called God's Mysteries. The hardest part is having the discipline to write something ona consistent basis. But then, your life is way more exciting than mine.

  2. I am excited to follow your journey!
