Unbelievably, inexplicably, I am only two months away from the first day I stepped into the classroom as a first grade teacher. What a journey it has been! And you, the reader have shared it with me. Some of you were there from the first day. Some have joined later on. I stand amazed that anyone at all takes the time to read my ramblings. It is utterly stupefying to me that nearly 10,000 people from 47 countries have read my thoughts. What a world we live in.
Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to check in on the progress of a certain middle-aged rookie teacher. I hope you have found a gem or two that made it worthwhile. Writing about the foibles and joys of this first year has been therapeutic. Having a written record of it is priceless for me. I have been blessed by your kind words of encouragement. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
So here’s my quandary. Obviously Diary of a First Year Teacher will be obsolete quite soon. I’m just not sure where to go from here. Do I keep writing just for the fun of it? Although I do not spend ridiculous amounts of time preparing these posts, it does take time out of my schedule here and there.
This brings me to two questions for my readers:
1. This blog will end on my one-year anniversary. Do I start a new blog and keep going?
2. And if so, what are your suggestions for a title?
Truly, I am not fishing for compliments. I am just trying to think ahead and not let the one-year anniversary slide by without an action plan. Maybe I would find that there is not much to say anymore. Who knows??!
Please share your thoughts on the matter and I too will be cogitating on where to go from here. You can post your comments to this blog site, email me, or leave a Facebook message.
Please continue. I find it doubtful that you will have "nothing new" to share. This isn't entirely selfish on my part, Gary has said many times that he wishes he had journaled throughout his teaching career. Today his thought from 1968 and the changes in "our kids" as a result of being brought up in "our world" would be mind boggling. In 2011 it seems comical that chewing gum would have been at the top of the "don't do" list. In 1968 no one would have dreamed that there would ever be a need to include "No Guns or Weapons" to a list of school rules. Another change that he would make if he could go back is to purchase a yearbook every year. He would love to be able to go back and put a face to some of the names he remembers, students and fellow teachers alike. Whatever your choice, I have loved being a part of your world this first year. I am sharing my "book of your posts" with some of my seasoned teacher friends. I love you my dear sweet Vonda.
ReplyDeletePeggy, you have no idea how meaningful your comments are to me. This is good stuff! Coming at it from your own and Gary's vantage point is just the sort of perspective I was hoping for. I most certainly will continue to journal -- I love to write! But continuing to share on the world stage has been my quandary. I love the idea that our quickly changing world is reason enough to chronicle the daily minutia of mine. Having each year's yearbook is a fabulous idea and something I will now do. (You have compiled a book of my posts????? Wow...)
ReplyDeletePlease DO NOT even think of stopping (unless it's taking too much of your time) as we truly enjoy following your day-to-day happenings you share with the rest of the world. I really look forward to your next post and am never disappointed in what I read. In fact, I was thinking of suggesting that you compile them into a book and publish them! It would be a best-seller, I'm sure!
I was even thinking of how I could get you some dirt from some exotic place, but the only places I've been lately are Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri and Texas. Nothing earth-shattering there...
Anyway, what I'm saying is that I think a LOT of people would be very disappointed if you were to stop doing this!
As far as name change, maybe it could be "Diary of a Middle-Aged Quasi Hippie Rookie First Grade Teacher." Works for me.
Joe, thanks for taking the time to pen your thoughts and suggestions. It means the world to me, really. As far as the source of dirt? We are so into anywhere outside our little universe of North Dakota. I have had some truly cool donations come in recently and have a new post brewing in my quasi hippie rookie middle-aged brain (I adore that title and will take it under serious advisement :). So wherever you are, if you think of us, scoop a little dirt up for The Magic Tree House. We promise to say thanks in a grand fashion.